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Site Options
A range of options are available to you so you can make your site work how you want. Here are just some of those available.
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BlogAdd a blog to help interaction with visitors and help with SEO
Learning style questionnaireHow do your pupils learn best? Find out before they even start learning with you, add a learning style questionnaire.
Traffic signs quizAdd a quix to the site to encourage interaction. Use it to enocourage contacts by setting a target score with a promo if they reach it.
ADI PlusHave multiple instructors? Add this modue to allow your instructors to log in and maintain their own page on the site.
BlogAdd a quix to the site to encourage interaction. Use it to enocourage contacts by setting a target score with a promo if they reach it.
Online bookingsOnline diary, booking facility and accounts. Too may features to list here!
PayPalAdd online payments. Fully automatic so no need to create buttons in your PayPal account and copy code!
Recommend a friendMake it easy for pupils to recommend you to their friends. Automatic notices then tell them if their friend contacts you through the site.
Downloads pageAdd PDF files for downloading from the site. Option password setting.
FAQAdd a simple to edit FAQ page .